Our annual reports

Donors, volunteers, supporters: thanks to your help, we are able to fulfill our mission each year. And we are eternally grateful. Backing our Foundation means you are backing a trustworthy organization committed to spending each dollar we receive on concrete initiatives and programs that truly improve teen mental health. 

We invite you to take a look at our annual reports so that you may see all that we have accomplished through your help and the help of our team of professionals—each day, we are committed to improving the well-being of teens.

2023 annual report


2022 annual report


2021 annual report


2020 annual report


2019 annual report


2018 annual report


2017 annual report


2016 annual report


To view our returns as a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency, click here.

Fondation Jeunes en Tête (formerly, Fondation Québec Jeunes)
Registration number: 889367371RR0001

Mental Illness Foundation: Registration number
Registration number: 101836641RR0001

Our impact

Concrete solutions for preventing psychological distress

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Our history

A strong vision built on years of experience

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