2023 Annual Report

2023 Annual Report

Annual Report: A Year of Tremendous Support for the Cause

FJET’s 2023 annual report highlights the major initiatives undertaken over the past year to reach a growing number of young people and raise awareness of the importance of mental health.

Whether you opened the door for us to your classroom, consulted our online tools, supported us financially or simply talked to others about the Foundation, your generosity, your actions, your words are all a part of the success reflected in the pages of this annual report.

Our community’s ever-growing commitment – from members of the business community and major corporations to SMEs and young people who volunteer their time for the cause – propels Fondation Jeunes en Tête forward with renewed energy and focus. We’re very pleased to present an overview of our accomplishments and the changes we’re putting into motion in order to make an even bigger difference in the lives of Quebec’s youth, and for our society as a whole.

Consult the full 2023 annual report

The year 2023 in numbers

  • $1,900 000 invested in our programs
  • 10,174 donors
  • 1,805 supporting businesses
  • 48,824 people reached through our workshops
  • 260,000 views of our online awareness tools


Key strategic hires

New talent has joined our team to meet the growing needs of young people and schools. With these newly created roles, the Foundation is now in possession of clear objectives, laying the groundwork for an ambitious 5-year action plan. This year, the Foundation enlisted a record number of facilitators. A total of 16 young adults from diverse backgrounds, all who believe passionately in the well-being of teens, travelled all over Quebec.

Our Quebec-wide tour

  • 47,102 teenagers reached
  • 187 schools and organization visited
  • 1,790 workshops offered for free
  • 930 youth directed to appropriate resources following the workshops
  • 1,722 adults reached
  • 2,434 facilitators trained through our partnership with Conference Connexion

Our online toolkits: Fresh content

Always on the lookout for topics and themes of concern to young people, FJET has developed over 50 new timely tools to enrich the 3 available kits for teens, their families and schools.

Fundraising events

The community stepped up to support the well-being of young people, demonstrating incredible creativity, passion and resourcefulness. People of all ages and from all walks of life organized fundraising events to sustain the Foundation’s mission. Thanks to these amazing initiatives, $600,000 was raised. You can discover some of the individuals who are helping us to change lives here.

The Foundation’s annual events once again mobilized hundreds of philanthropists and allies. The Valentine’s Day Ball, Golf Tournament and Mayor’s Ball raised a combined net total of $2,142,000 for our young people’s mental health.

Learn more

To learn more about the Foundation’s life-changing impact in our past year of activity and the donors who made it all possible, explore our 2023 annual report here.



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