Teen toolkit

Answers to help you see more clearly

Teen toolkit

Answers to help you see more clearly

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Getting over your fear of grades

Here are the keys to put grades into perspective and keep calm.

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My personal strengths

Here is an exercise that will help you reflect on the skills you have outside of school.

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Managing your emotions through mindfulness

Learn more about mindfulness, how it can help you take a break and let your thoughts settle, and how you can easily practice it.

How does the brain work in adolescence?

What are the main stages of development in adolescence? What's the brain's role in all these changes?

Who am I?

Listen to Parker Courte Rathwell, athlete in cross country skaying, talking about the elements that make him the person he is today: the construction of his personality, the discovery of its limits, qualities and faults, …

How do you deal with performance anxiety at school?

Here are a few testimonials in which students talk about their academic performance anxiety and how they deal with it.

How to help a friend in distress?

In this video, follow McKenzie and Marta as they explain how you can help a friend in need and make a difference.

Accepting your body despite social pressure

Tips to help you develop a positive and expanded vision of the body and the notion of beauty.

Toxic arguments and intimate partner violence

Learn more about intimate partner violence and what you can do in such a situation. We’ll help you assess your situation and we’ll also give you a few resources.

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Sexual consent

Consent is the basis of any healthy, respectful relationship. Here’s how it can be expressed.

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The foundation of a healthy relationship

Although it is important to be able to recognize the red flags in a relationship, it is also helpful to learn to identify ’’green flags”. We'll give you some.

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My heartbreaks

If you’re experiencing heartbreak or want to help a friend who is, read this!

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Anxiety: sorting through your thoughts to feel better

When faced with parasitic thoughts and anxiety, you can do the following little exercise.

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Accepting yourself as you are: self-esteem and body image

Here are some tips to help you better understand your body image and some things you can do to improve it.

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Taking care of your mental health

To help you stay balanced, here are a few tips that you can apply to your everyday life.

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Learning about yourself

Get to know more about your inner strengths and weaknesses!

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Solutions for depression

Here are some frequently asked questions - and answers - to help you gain a better understanding of adolescent depression and what you can do about it.

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Resources to help you

A few resources that you can turn to, whether it’s to talk about what you’re going through, get some guidance on the next steps to take, or find more concrete solutions.

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My community has prejudice about mental health, how can I talk about …

How can you start the discussion and get help? Here are some suggestions.

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Managing your emotions in a crisis situation

Some strategies to help you react when everything is bad.

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How to talk about my issues?

Anxiety, depression, having the blues… Here are some tips to help you find the words to confide and know who to talk to.

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How to react if you're a victim of sexual abuse?

Here are some resources that will help you better understand what sexual abuse is and learn how to talk about it or help a friend or family member.

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Suicidal thoughts

Here’s some advice to help you better understand suicidal thoughts and some resources where you can get help.

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What's wrong with me?

How to tell if you're feeling blue or if you're depressed? Learn to make the difference!

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My brain

Let’s zoom in on the teenage brain to help you understand it better and see how it influences your everyday life.

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My mental health

We help you better understand what mental heatlh is and why it's important to take care of it daily.

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Parasitic thoughts

An easy-to-understand diagram to help you sort out your thoughts and reduce anxiety.

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Developing in positive body image

Practical advice to help you develop a positive body image.

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The self-compassion break

A practical checklist to help you develop kind self-talk.

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Umbrella strategies

An info sheet to help you regain your composure and ground yourself when going through a crisis.

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Self-talk for turbulent times

An info sheet to help you develop calming self-talk when you're going through a crisis.

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Listening to music mindfully

A mindfulness exercise on music to practice at home and connect to the present.

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Zoom on my values

Fill out this list to identify your values and make better decisions.

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Wrestler quiz

A quiz that will help you better understand your reactions and the fight response.

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Simple information and practical advice to help them better understand adolescence
and psychological distress, without prejudices or taboos.
Useful resources to help support a young person through any challenges that may arise.

Discover the family toolkit