School toolkit

Resources for school staff

School toolkit

Resources for school staff

Do you work with young people?

A situation worries you, or you simply want to learn more about mental health and raise awareness among teens? All our simple and turnkey tools have been developed with leading experts for teenagers aged 11 to 18, to help them reach their full potential.

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What can be done to prevent school violence?

With statistics showing an increase in incidents of school violence and the media regularly reporting alarming news, you may feel helpless and think that no effective solutions exist to control this phenomenon. However, some very …

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Back to School: How To Overcome Appearance Anxiety

Here’s some advice to help you better understand why some young people may develop anxiety about their appearance and how you can help them have an easier time going back to school.

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Intimidation and cyberintimidation 5/5: school - prevention and intervention

Julie Boissonneault helps us better understand the school's essential role in dealing with bullying and gives parents concrete actions they can do with their child to prevent bullying. In partnership with

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Intimidation and cyberintimidation 4/5: role and responsability as a parent

PhD student specialized in violence and social relationships Julie Boissonneault helps us better understand our role and responsability as parents when it comes to intimidation. In partnership with

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Intimidation and cyberintimidation 3/5: surviving intimidation - Maxyme's testimony

Listen to 17-year-old Maxyme who went through intimidation throughout her school years. In partnership with

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Intimidation and cyberintimidation 2/5: demystifying the roles

PhD student specialized in violence and social relationships Julie Boissonneault adresses the different roles in a scene of intimidation. In partnership with

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Intimidation and cyberintimidation 1/5: what is it and how does it present?

Éric MPhD student associated with La Chaire de recherche Bien-être à l’école et prévention de la violence, Julie Boissonneault, helps us define and understand intimidation in teens. In partnership with

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How to help a friend in distress?

In this video, follow McKenzie and Marta as they explain how you can help a friend in need and make a difference.

Introducing students to mentalization

A video to share with your students to introduce them to mentalization, an effective tool for building healthy relationships with others.

Getting to know yourself better

Show your students this interview with Parker Courte Rathwell, athlete in cross country skaying, with lots of tips for self-awareness.

Understanding how the adolescent brain works

Show your young people how their brains work and its effect on their daily lives. Show along with the animated videos about mindfulness and mentalization.

Accepting your body despite social pressure

Show this video to your students to help them develop a positive and expanded vision of the body and the notion of beauty.

Mentalizing for teachers

Through concrete examples of classroom situations, discover how to apply mentalization, a super-effective tool for cultivating healthy relationships with others and with yourself.

First year of high school: a real challenge!

Find concrete tools to help your young people get through this stage.

Performance anxiety experienced by teenagers

Here are a few testimonials in which students talk about their academic performance anxiety and how they deal with it. Feel free to show this video clip to your students to help them better manage …

Lead a meditation in the classroom

Discover the experience of two teachers with mindfulness meditation in the classroom as well as a 5-step tutorial to lead your first meditation with your students.

Introducing students to mindfulness

Introduce your teens to the basic principles of mindfulness. Show it before the first practice session with students.

Mental Health Quiz: questions and answers

A quiz to learn more about mental health.

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Student pamphlet: My personal strengths

An exercise from our "Understanding your strengths" lesson plan, which will help young people think about their strengths beyond the academic sphere.

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5 tips to help your student succeed in school

An info sheet with many practical tips for teachers to help their students develop a good self-esteem in the face of academic challenges by putting notions of success into perspective.

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Psychological distress barometer

A summary table you can refer so you can “situate” a teen whose behaviour or language worries you.

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Lesson plan: Accepting and respecting body diversity

A lesson plan to help you instill a genuine culture of acceptance of body diversity in your class and help your students develop a healthy and diverse body image.

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Lesson plan: Beauty - going beyond looks

A lesson plan to help your students develop a positive body image by developing a broader concept of beauty.

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Lesson plan: Staying balanced by maintaining your inner balance

A lesson plan to teach your students how to adopt good practices that will help them keep their mental balance when going through a difficult time.

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Lesson plan: Uncertainty and performance anxiety - Level 2

A lesson plan to help young people better deal with uncertainty. This activity can be suggested after completing the Level 1 lesson plan.

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Lesson plan: Uncertainty and performance anxiety - Level 1

A lesson plan to help young people become more aware of their reactions to uncertainty.

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Lesson plan: Learning to tame parasitic thoughts

A lesson plan to help young people understand what parasitic thoughts are so that they can better tame them and find inner peace.

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Lesson plan: Understanding your strenghts

A complete lesson plan to help your students become aware of their strengths and improve their self-esteem.

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Lesson plan: Imagining your future

A comprehensive lesson plan to get your students thinking about their life goals and values so that they can make decisions that are right for them.

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Lesson plan: Gratitude

A lesson plan to help your students become more optimistic and resilient by becoming aware of the small pleasures in their daily lives.

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Lesson plan: Taking care of yourself

A lesson plan to reflect on the notion of self-compassion with your students, with practical exercises to do at home to take care of themselves.

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Learn how to promote body diversity in your school with our comprehensive mini-guide!

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Learn how to respond when faced with psychological distress with our comprehensive mini-guide!

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Learn how to help your students better manage their anxiety with our comprehensive mini-guide!

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Find out how to practice mindfulness with your students with our comprehensive guide.

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Encouraging a positive body image at school

Learn tips for reducing stigmatization and bullying at school.

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External resources


We travel all across Quebec to offer our turnkey and free of charge mental health workshops to high schools.
Each year, we visit some 250 schools and organizations, reaching more than 50,000 young people.

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Simple information and practical advice to help parents better understand adolescence and psychological distress, without prejudices or taboos.

Discover the family toolkit


Tips and tools to help teens better understand what is happening to them, find help when they need it and develop their well-being every day.

Discover the teen toolkit